Spending Time in Nature
There are many advantages to getting out and into the great outdoors. There are health benefits to being in nature as well as a calming of the energy field amongst the trees and plants if you allow yourself to be fully there in the moment.
But what we wanted to focus on here, is what can be achieved if you were to consciously create a connection to the natural world. What we speak of here, is the ability to tune into and become one with the natural environment that goes beyond the plant kingdom to the earth, minerals, animals and so on.
Let’s demonstrate. Take yourself outdoors, when it is safe to do so. Place your hands upon your lap as you sit comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your other senses. What do you feel, hear and smell? Focus on one sense at a time. Which sense is strongest and which is weakest? Which is comfortable and which is not?
What have you learned?
Continue to practice on a regular basis. Bring this practice into your everyday life, using all the senses you have available to you. Then you will know and feel, fully aware and at one.