Who Do I Wish To Be?

Often, we find ourselves wishing to be someone else or somewhere else.  Usually there is something, such as a situation, relationship or problem, in front of us that we do not wish to face.  But what if the situation was resolved?  What would it look like?  Would it be better than now?   

Take the time now to see the issue resolved.  What does it look like and how does it feel?  Do you still wish to be someone else or somewhere else?

Now see a pathway from where you are to where the issue is resolved.  What does the path look and feel like?  How long or arduous is your path?  Do you have what you need to traverse your path?  Do you feel ready to begin? 

What if you were to see your path as your playground?  Would you want to begin?  If you were to see your path as fully resourced, would you want to begin?  If you were to see your path as achievable, would you want to begin?  

What do you need to begin?


Spending Time in Nature


What is Your Flavour?