MINDSET PART ONE: How Does Your Garden Grow?

Look around at your life.  You will notice that some things are working and some aspects of your life are not.  Where are your thoughts focused? 

Spend time observing your thoughts throughout the day, without judgement.

What did you discover?  Do you spend more time focused on the things that are or aren’t working?  Do you spend more time thinking about what you do or don’t want?

Think of your mind as a garden.  What do you want to grow?  If your garden is full of weeds (what you don’t want) and you give your attention to this garden – water, feed & shine light on it – it will thrive.  The fact that you don’t want or even like weeds will not stop the weeds from growing while you are giving it your attention.  If you were to plant your favourite plants in your garden and not give it any attention, will the plants grow, even though they are your favourite?  What if you were to plant your favourite plants and give your attention to this garden? 

Start to pay attention to your thoughts.  When you notice your thoughts are not on what you want more of, change the direction of your thoughts to something positive. 

End the day by focusing on positive things that happened during the day.  When you wake in the morning, think of positive aspects to your day ahead.  It doesn’t have to be big.

Be patient with yourself.  It takes time to form a new habit.  You just have to get started and persist.


MINDSET PART TWO: Charging Your Ideas


Listening to the Calling of Your Heart