What is Preventing Me from Seeing Myself Create My Purpose?
What we mean here is, can you see yourself out in the world, creating your purpose as you are now? Note, today’s post is a continuation from the previous “What is My Purpose?” post.
What image do you need to project to others in order to be able to create your purpose? How does it feel?
Now take the time to place yourself in a meditative state using your breath.
Place your hands over your heart centre and breathe into this space. Relax into your breath and decide to put to one side the feelings that may be obstructing a clear connection to your heart. Ask your heart some questions and then listen.
Am I able to create my purpose if I begin as I am now?
Do I need to be someone else, to create my purpose?
See yourself in your mind’s eye creating your purpose in the image you thought you needed to project? How does it feel? Is it comfortable? Is it aligned with who you are?
Now see yourself starting the creation process as you are now? How does it feel?
Perhaps in order to create your purpose you need to be you. Know your own worth. Know you will grow and change through the journey of creating your purpose. Know that you can become who you need to be by going on the journey.
Allow your heart to light your path ahead and follow the energy of love to creating your purpose. All will be as it will be. Do not judge yourself before you even begin.