MINDSET PART FOUR: Great Expectations or Not So Great?
While we might wish for circumstances, relationships and so on to be different, what we actually expect to receive can often be just more of the same. Find out where your expectations lie.
Centre yourself by slowly breathing in and out of your heart. Feel your feet on the floor. Let go of your day, your to-do list and just be in the moment. Place your hand on your heart if this helps to focus your attention here.
Choose an area of your life (home, relationships, finances, health, work, holidays, hobbies etc) and just ask the question, what do I expect to happen here? Then allow the answer to come from within.
When you have fully explored one area, you can move to another area if you choose.
Did the answer surprise you? Did the answer align with what you wish to create?
Check in with your expectations to find out if they support you or if negative expectations are holding you back.
Change your expectations so that they align and positively support what you wish to receive. Make them great.