Centring Guidance For Starting Your Day

I invite you to think about how you start your day.  What is your routine and how do you feel?  Next, think about how you would like to start your day and how you would like to feel.  Is there a gap?  I’m guessing the answer is yes.

What keeps us in these ingrained routines, going through the same motions, even though they don’t serve our highest vibration?  

Let me ask … have you ever set aside some time to consciously ask yourself the question how do I want to start my day and how do I want to feel?  Have you ever designed the start of your day?

If the answer is no, how about now?  I invite you to take some time right now to choose how you want to start your day.

Most of us, during the week at least, start the day with an alarm, usually one that goes off far too early for our liking.  How do you feel about your alarm and the time that you need to get up?  Do you have positive thoughts and feelings about your alarm or are they mostly all negative?  Do your negative thoughts and feelings towards your alarm start even before you go to bed the night before?

How about attaching positive thoughts and feelings to your alarm?  How do you want to feel when your alarm goes off in the morning?  Visualise yourself waking up with the alarm in the morning and start feeling how you want to feel.  Do you want to feel excitement for the day ahead, anticipation of all the good things that will come to you today, gratitude that you have a day before you that you get to create or self-compassion for what lies ahead?  Do you choose to picture yourself on your own private beach with the sun just beginning to rise?  With a clear sky, light summer breeze and birds beginning their morning chorus? Or do you wish to start your day in the mountains, in a forest or does another scene in nature appeal to you?

Spend some time creating YOUR visualisation (image and feeling), one that will support your highest vibration.  This is your gift to yourself, each and every day.

Practice your visualisation whenever you have a spare 3 – 5 minutes so you can easily switch into the visual and feeling on demand.

Practice your visualisation before you go to sleep and as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning.  It will take time to get into this routine so don’t beat yourself up if you forget or give up before you’ve nailed it.

Start your day with you at your highest vibration.

You got this.  I believe in you.



New Year 2023


New beginnings …